After checking in to the Vanc Airport - undoubdedly the most pleasant check through that we have ever experienced - probably all people still on the Olympic's high - everyone so happy, patient and warmly friendly !!! we had several hours to pass until our flight so we walked around the corridors and wow, came across Bob and Paul, friends of mine from Crescent Beach Photography Club. With their wives they were flying for a two week holiday on the islands Hawaii. So we had a fun visit and some coffee and shushi, and talked a lot about phototography. Turns out, as is my wife Sandy, they are all teachers and of course we know some people in common.

Quite a treat and a great start to our Belize adventure. Now, 9:23 pm we are sitting in the gate waiting for our 11:55 pm flight to Houston. We had a wonderfully delicious little dinner at the Alaska Bar. Drank great big pints of Alaska Amber Ale and ate a delcious fish chowder and Ceaser Salad combo.
Leaving at midnight this next leg is a four hour flight, loosing two hours, we arrive in Houston at 6 am, then a three hour wait in Houston, where we will grab a breaksfast, depart and arrival in Belize at 11:30 am.

Quite a treat and a great start to our Belize adventure. Now, 9:23 pm we are sitting in the gate waiting for our 11:55 pm flight to Houston. We had a wonderfully delicious little dinner at the Alaska Bar. Drank great big pints of Alaska Amber Ale and ate a delcious fish chowder and Ceaser Salad combo.
Leaving at midnight this next leg is a four hour flight, loosing two hours, we arrive in Houston at 6 am, then a three hour wait in Houston, where we will grab a breaksfast, depart and arrival in Belize at 11:30 am.
This is the marvelous post that I have come over after huge searches. I am really thankful to you for providing this unique information.