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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Klemtu 8:30 AM Feb 22 2011, my office door

at my office door this morning, a typical crisp clear winter morning, looking north

looking south east
 you think that you can see forever. About -6 C this morning, north west


  1. Hi Bryan! Lovely images.

    Is there a recycling program up there, or does old packaging and pallets get burnt?

  2. Brian, I guess I should proof read, sorry about botching your spelling.

  3. Rick, my spelling is not sacred! We are just beginning a project to put in a "solid Waste" program which will include full recycle. the old Garbage Dump will be discontinued, unfortunatly for the eagles, ravens, seagulls, crows, bears and wolves that have used it as a buffet. The new system will see seperation packaging and barging to a land fill in Washington US. The Fuel barge will itself recycle by taking the containers down on its back haul. Exciting stuff, eh what?
