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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Apologies and NEWS to all that look at my Blog

My apologies for so few postings these past few months. I have been undergoing Chemo therapy to treat a recurrence of my 2002 Cancer of the appendix. UGH!

Oct 23 I finally obtained the access to the long promised SURGERY. Two wonderful teams of doctors took sequential turns over long operation to remove the offending parts - we hope it is all gone for now. I was out for about 9 hours.

If you are bothered by medical procedural descriptions please do not read the next part where I will describe what was removed.

The primary recurrence was showing as a "shadow" in the region of my previous appendix. During the winter some smaller metastasis tumours appeared in my liver. Luckily they were in areas of my liver that I did not need (it grows back anyway apparently).

So surgical team one, led by Dr Chung removed 60% of my liver, and apparently my Gall Bladder.
Surgical team two, led by Dr Cheih-fetz tackled the abdominal shadow - which turned out to be  a nasty little beast! Though showing as only about 3 cm it apparently involved my 2005 hernia repair (where it started it's new life); my small intestine; and my abdominal (pelvic) wall. So poor Dr Cheih-Fetz, instead if an easy removal had a very complex job to separate, remove and to sew and rebuild.

I owe these surgeons and their teams so much. Indeed I owe the whole Canadian medical system my life, again.

Since Oct 23 I have been slowly recovering. I could not sit at a computer till the last couple of days. Each day I am stronger. today is the first day I have not gone to bed for the afternoon!

I have quite a back log of wonderful photos and I do intend to begin posting again to this blog.
Campfire Contemplation - here I'm thinking about how wonderful life is!


  1. oh Brian! Glad everything went well and gald to hear you are recovering! are you still in the boonies? Did you come home for treatment?
    Hugs! and Love!

  2. Hi Bryan, this is Summer from LA. As you know, I relocated to LA back April, currently working for Kaiser Permanente. I knew you went back to Vancouver for treatment, but always wondering how's everything going? I sent you a couple of emails, but never heard back from you. Just read your blog, I'm so happy to know you completed the procedure and in the process of recovery...

    Thinking of you, Brian! wishing you to be full of strength and confidence during your heal. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    Talk to you later, Summer

  3. Hi Brian: I just found the business card you handed me at the end of last year's Surrey half marathon. Sorry that it has taken almost a year to look you up. Thanks for your beautiful images on this sight. I am sorry to hear that you had a recurrence of your cancer - I hope that this year has been better.

    All the best.

